The pig farm of Theo Vernooij with 8200 fattening pigs is located in Beusinchem the Netherlands. Alongside his job at the farm, the entrepreneurial pig farmer is working as a business consultant for the pig industry at Agruniek Rijnvallei. To control the salmonella pressure at his farm he uses the Daaquasafe from Daavision.

“In the field I heard that Daavision had developed a salmonella protocol”, explains Vernooij. “Therefore I arranged a meeting with Willemijn Schuttert from Handelshuis Schuttert (distributor of Daavision products in the Netherlands) and my veterinarian. Together we adjusted the protocol to the specific needs at our farm.”

The supervising veterinarian Marinna Schuttert took several blood- and manure samples since the farmer started with the protocol. “Based on the analysis of our samples by the veterinary laboratory, I can say that we have the salmonella pressure under control. Throughout the whole cycle we dose 2 kg of Daaquasafe per m3 water. If you can enhance profitability and efficiency then you should not cut down on acids,” Vernooij adds.

“An additional advantage is that you don’t need another acidifier to clean the water pipes. As Daaquasafe already has the capacity to improve the quality of the drinking water,” explains the pig farmer.

The feed conversion ratio at Vernooijs farm has decreased from 2,58 to 2,4. An overall growth of more than 840 grams per animal per day (Piétrain) is observed. According to the farmer this growth is still increasing.

Vernooij adds: “Honesty compels me to say that we have changed genetics. We now have the Topigs 20 sow with a PIC 408m sire line. As digestion has improved we can see that the manure of the pigs stays consistent.”

The feed ration at the farm of Vernooij consists of dry feed supplemented with several raw materials such as CCM, wheat, barley, soy and dried wheat yeast concentrate. The balanced ration and good drinking water quality ensure optimal operation conditions, in which the pigs are able to perform.